Updated: 18/10/2021
At Target Talk, the Brussels based consultancy, we love helping people improve their public speaking skills. We know that every person has different fears and concerns. For some speakers, there is a genuine fear of speaking in front of others, one that sounds deep and even irrational. Funnily, they focus so much on their fear that they forget that public speaking skill is so much more about building relationships, listening, reaching out. It gets better with lots of rehearsal, discussing your speaking skill with others and getting their feedback. So, in summary, it is a social skill!
"Group coaching" is a new and very interesting option for aspiring public speakers in Brussels. We meet up once a month on a Saturday morning. Groups are limited to 8 people and they all receive little challenge beforehand. You get to speak in front of people you have never met before ( well, we can't guarantee that. Brussels is such a small place after all!). Time is limited of course, just like in any real situation. What happens is magic. Not only do you get to practice speaking in front of others, but you receive professional feedback from Public Speaking coaches at Target Talk. And some resource goodies you can take home.
Whether you like groups or they scare you, this is the opportunity to get out there and speak. Sessions are limited to 8 people and they fill out quickly. Register at www.meetup.com and join us for the unique public speaking experience in Brussels!
More info and registrations at this link.
I get emails from people every day, telling me about their communication woes. Now that you are ready to do something about it, drop me a line and I will tell you what we can do next.